2A Visionary Academic Architects FormAhmad Zohadi2024-06-29T14:05:12-04:00 AcademicsFull Name:(Required) Academic Title:(Required) Professional Title and Affiliation:(Required) Institution (University/College Name):(Required) Institutional Address:(Required) Email Address:(Required) Cellphone Number:(Required) Upload your photo:(Required)Accepted file types: jpg, Max. file size: 10 MB.LinkedIn Profile or Other Professional Profile Links: Education: Last Degree:Year of Completion(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Department and Institution:(Required) Dissertation/Thesis Title:(Required) Most Impactful Teaching Methods or Research:(Required)Describe your most impactful teaching method or academic research. Include a sample student project if applicable (200 words).Visual samples of students project as a result of your teaching method if applicable upload a fileAccepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB.Describe your most impactful academic research or theories towards architecture (200 words).If these academic research or theories get honorable prize or published please mention it : Futuristic Architecture Theories:Discuss your perspectives on future theories of architecture.( 100 words) National and International honorable achievements:Name of achievement 1: Year Received 1: Institution 1: Name of achievement 2: Year Received 2: Institution 2: Name of achievement 3: Year Received 3: Institution 3: Name of achievement 4: Year Received 4: Institution 4: Name of achievement 5: Year Received 5: Institution 5: Conferences Attendant & speeches:Conference Title 1:(Required) Conference Location 1:(Required) Conference organizer 1:(Required) Conference Title 2:(Required) Conference Location 2:(Required) Conference organizer 2:(Required) Conference Title 3: Conference Location 3: Conference organizer 3: Conference Title 4: Conference Location 4: Conference organizer 4: Conference Title 5: Conference Location 5: Conference organizer 5: Teaching Experience:Institution (University/College Name) 1:(Required) Department 1:(Required) Your Professional Title 1:(Required) List of Courses Taught 1:(Required)Institution (University/College Name) 2:(Required) Department 2:(Required) Your Professional Title 2:(Required) List of Courses Taught 2:(Required)Institution (University/College Name) 3: Department 3: Your Professional Title 3: List of Courses Taught 3:Institution (University/College Name) 4: Department 4: Your Professional Title 4: List of Courses Taught 4:Institution (University/College Name) 5: Department 5: Your Professional Title 5: List of Courses Taught 5:Institution (University/College Name) 6: Department 6: Your Professional Title 6: List of Courses Taught 6: Research Publications:Books:Write a list of your printed books along with the name of the publisher and the year of publicationArticles:Write a list of your articles along with the name of journal, indicating the number, the year of publication .ISI Publications:Please list your ISI-indexed journal articles, indicating the number. Upload Supporting Documents: Upload files such as portfolios or cv(Required)Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB.Upload files such as book cover,presentation abstracts, certificates, etc.Accepted file types: pdf, Max. file size: 20 MB.Comments or Additional Information:Any other information you would like to share Δ