Registration of Specially Venerated Pavilions EXPO 2020 Dubai

"*" indicates required fields

List of the Full Names of the People in Charge at the Pavilion (Director, Presenter etc.):
Person 01*
Person 02
Person 03
Person 04
Person 05

Must be same as the email you purchased copies with

Your pavilion has been published in 2A Magazine Special Edition of EXPO 2020 Dubai (Issue 47, Winter 2022) with the theme of “Innovative and Transformative Ideas in Architecture”, please click here and purchase the copies.

Note : You will receive the copies at your pavilion.

Note 1: The Certificate, Memorial Board and The 2A Magazine’s copies will be submitted to your pavilion by end of February (it will be fixed an official time).
Note: If you are going to buy further copies, please click here