Hubert Ninhoff
Born 1959 in Kirchhellen / Westfalen, Germany – Education: Diploma examination at the RWTH Aachen University, Germany (1985) – Employment
Record: Since 1996- Management of gmp • architects von Gerkan, Marg and partners, Berlin (Germany), and Management of gmp offices in Frankfurt/Main (Germany), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Moscow (Russia) and Madrid (Spain) Since 1993- Member of board / Partner at gmp • architects von Gerkan, Marg and partners – Assistant at the Institute for urban planning at the RWTH Aachen University (1988 – 1991), Employee at Büro für Architektur ind Stadtbereichsplanung Christoph Mäckler Frankfurt/Main (1985 – 1987) – Advanced Engagement: Since 2007- Management of the gmp-foundation „Academy for Architectural Culture“ (aac), Since 2010- Founder member of the BDI – Brazil Boards, Since 2010- Member of the advisory council of foreign economics by the German Federal Ministry of Economic affairs / Technology.